15 research outputs found

    bdbms -- A Database Management System for Biological Data

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    Biologists are increasingly using databases for storing and managing their data. Biological databases typically consist of a mixture of raw data, metadata, sequences, annotations, and related data obtained from various sources. Current database technology lacks several functionalities that are needed by biological databases. In this paper, we introduce bdbms, an extensible prototype database management system for supporting biological data. bdbms extends the functionalities of current DBMSs to include: (1) Annotation and provenance management including storage, indexing, manipulation, and querying of annotation and provenance as first class objects in bdbms, (2) Local dependency tracking to track the dependencies and derivations among data items, (3) Update authorization to support data curation via content-based authorization, in contrast to identity-based authorization, and (4) New access methods and their supporting operators that support pattern matching on various types of compressed biological data types. This paper presents the design of bdbms along with the techniques proposed to support these functionalities including an extension to SQL. We also outline some open issues in building bdbms.Comment: This article is published under a Creative Commons License Agreement (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/.) You may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, make derivative works and make commercial use of the work, but, you must attribute the work to the author and CIDR 2007. 3rd Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR) January 710, 2007, Asilomar, California, US

    The SBC-Tree: An Index for Run-Length Compressed Sequences

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    Run-Length-Encoding (RLE) is a data compression technique that is used in various applications, e.g., biological sequence databases. multimedia: and facsimile transmission. One of the main challenges is how to operate, e.g., indexing: searching, and retriexral: on the compressed data without decompressing it. In t.his paper, we present the String &tree for _Compressed sequences; termed the SBC-tree, for indexing and searching RLE-compressed sequences of arbitrary length. The SBC-tree is a two-level index structure based on the well-knoxvn String B-tree and a 3-sided range query structure. The SBC-tree supports substring as \\re11 as prefix m,atching, and range search operations over RLE-compressed sequences. The SBC-tree has an optimal external-memory space complexity of O(N/B) pages, where N is the total length of the compressed sequences, and B is the disk page size. The insertion and deletion of all suffixes of a compressed sequence of length m taltes O(m logB(N + m)) I/O operations. Substring match,ing, pre,fix matching, and range search execute in an optimal O(log, N + F) I/O operations, where Ip is the length of the compressed query pattern and T is the query output size. Re present also two variants of the SBC-tree: the SBC-tree that is based on an R-tree instead of the 3-sided structure: and the one-level SBC-tree that does not use a two-dimensional index. These variants do not have provable worstcase theoret.ica1 bounds for search operations, but perform well in practice. The SBC-tree index is realized inside PostgreSQL in t,he context of a biological protein database application. Performance results illustrate that using the SBC-tree to index RLE-compressed sequences achieves up to an order of magnitude reduction in storage, up to 30 % reduction in 110s for the insertion operations, and retains the optimal search performance achieved by the St,ring B-tree over the uncompressed sequences.!I c 0,

    The SBC-tree: An index for run-length compressed sequences

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    [[abstract]]Run-Length-Encoding (RLE) is a data compression technique that is used in various applications, e.g., time series, biological sequences, and multimedia databases. One of the main challenges is how to operate on (e.g., index, search, and retrieve) compressed data without decompressing it. In this paper, we introduce the String B-tree for Compressed sequences, termed the SBC-tree, for indexing and searching RLE-compressed sequences of arbitrary length. The SBC-tree is a two-level index structure based on the well-known String B-tree and a 3-sided range query structure [7]. The SBC-tree supports pattern matching queries such as substring matching, prefix matching, and range search operations over RLE-compressed sequences. The SBC-tree has an optimal external-memory space complexity of O (N/B) pages, where N is the total length of the compressed sequences, and B is the disk page size. Substring matching, prefix matching, and range search execute in an optimal O(logB N + |p|+T/B) I/O operations, where |p| is the length of the compressed query pattern and T is the query output size. The SBC-tree is also dynamic and supports insert and delete operations efficiently. The insertion and deletion of all suffixes of a compressed sequence of length m take O(m lagB (N + m)) amortized I/O operations. The SBC-tree index is realized inside PostgreSQL. Performance results illustrate that using the SBC-tree to index RLE-compressed sequences achieves up to an order of magnitude reduction in storage, while retains the optimal search performance achieved by the String B-tree over the uncompressed sequences.[[fileno]]2030245030009[[department]]資訊工程學

    A database server for next-generation scientific data management

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    The growth of scientific information and the increasing automation of data collection have made databases integral to many scientific disciplines including life sciences, physics, meteorology, earth and atmospheric sciences, and chemistry. These sciences pose new data management challenges to current database system technologies. This dissertation addresses the following three challenges: (1) Annotation Management: Annotations and provenance information are important metadata that go hand-in-hand with scientific data. Annotating scientific data represents a vital mechanism for scientists to share knowledge and build an interactive and collaborative environment. A major challenge is: How to manage large volumes of annotations, especially at various granularities, e.g., cell, column, and row level annotations, along with their corresponding data items. (2) Complex Dependencies Involving Real-world Activities: The processing of scientific data is a complex cycle that may involve sequences of activities external to the database system, e.g., wet-lab experiments, instrument readings, and manual measurements. These external activities may incur inherently long delays to prepare for and to conduct. Updating a database value may render parts of the database inconsistent until some external activity is executed and its output is reflected back and updated into the database. The challenge is: How to integrate these external activities within the database engine and accommodate the long delays between the updates while making the intermediate results instantly available for querying. (3) Fast Access to Scientific Data with Complex Data Types: Scientific experiments produce large volumes of data of complex types, e.g., arrays, images, long sequences, and multi-dimensional data. A major challenge is: How to provide fast access to these large pools of scientific data with non-traditional data types. In this dissertation, I present extensions to current database engines to address the above challenges. The proposed extensions enable scientific data to be stored and processed within their natural habitat: the database system. Experimental studies and performance analysis for all the proposed algorithms are carried out using both real-world and synthetic datasets. Our results show the applicability of the proposed extensions and their performance gains over other existing techniques and algorithms

    Discovering Consensus Patterns in Biological Databases

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    Abstract. Consensus patterns, like motifs and tandem repeats, are highly conserved patterns with very few substitutions where no gaps are allowed. In this paper, we present a progressive hierarchical clustering technique for discovering consensus patterns in biological databases over a certain length range. This technique can discover consensus patterns with various requirements by applying a post-processing phase. The progressive nature of the hierarchical clustering algorithm makes it scalable and efficient. Experiments to discover motifs and tandem repeats on real biological databases show significant performance gain over non-progressive clustering techniques.

    Incremental Mining for Frequent Patterns in Evolving Time Series Databases

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    Several emerging applications warrant mining and discovering hidden frequent patterns in time series databases, e.g., sensor networks, environment monitoring, and inventory stock monitoring. Time series databases are characterized by two features: (1) The continuous arrival of data and (2) the time dimension. These features raise new challenges for data mining such as the need for online processing and incremental evaluation of the mining results. In this paper, we address the problem of discovering frequent patterns in databases with multiple time series. We propose an incremental technique for discovering the complete set of frequent patterns, i.e., discovering the frequent patterns over the entire time series in contrast to a sliding window over a portion of the time series. The proposed approach updates the mining results with the arrival of every new data item by considering only the items and patterns that may be affected by the newly arrived item. Our approach has the ability to discover frequent patterns that contain gaps between patterns’ items with a user-defined maximum gap size. The experimental evaluation illustrates that the proposed technique is efficient and outperforms recent sequential pattern incremental mining techniques

    CoHadoop: Flexible Data Placement and Its Exploitation in Hadoop 1

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    Hadoop has become an attractive platform for large-scale data analytics. In this paper, we identify a major performance bottleneck of Hadoop: its lack of ability to colocate related data on the same set of nodes. To overcome this bottleneck, we introduce CoHadoop, a lightweight extension of Hadoop that allows applications to control where data are stored. In contrast to previous approaches, Co-Hadoop retains the flexibility of Hadoop in that it does not require users to convert their data to a certain format (e.g., a relational database or a specific file format). Instead, applications give hints to CoHadoop that some set of files are related and may be processed jointly; CoHadoop then tries to colocate these files for improved efficiency. Our approach is designed such that the strong fault tolerance properties of Hadoop are retained. Colocation can be used to improve the efficiency of many operations, including indexing, grouping, aggregation, columnar storage, joins, and sessionization. We conducted a detailed study of joins and sessionization in the context of log processing—a common use case for Hadoop—, and propose efficient map-only algorithms that exploit colocated data partitions. In our experiments, we observed that CoHadoop outperforms both plain Hadoop and previous work. In particular, our approach not only performs better than repartition-based algorithms, but also outperforms map-only algorithms that do exploit data partitioning but not colocation. 1